Learn to Drive in Datchet
Driving Lessons in Datchet for new Drivers in Berkshire
Learn to Drive in Datchet If you want to learn to drive then try a driving lesson with Blue in Datchet. We provide driving lessons for all people at different levels of driving ability, this includes:

Different Types of Driving Courses in Datchet
Beginners, someone who has never driven a car before.
Just started, a leaner driver that maybe has had a few hours with Mum or Dad or maybe did not get on with their previous driving instructor and wants to try someone else. Learn to Drive in Datchet
Partly trained, had maybe 10 to 15 hours of driving tuition and just wants to start again after a break.
Trained, has had about 40 to 50 hours of driving tuition and maybe has failed a driving test in the past and needs a bit of help to get through the next driving test.
So no matter what your level of ability we at Blue can help you out with a driving course in the Datchet area in Berkshire
Learn to Drive in Datchet
We offer some great deals on a range of courses with qualified driving instructors who now the local Datchet area.
Learning to drive in the Datchet in Berkshire area is a great opportunity as there so many different types of driving conditions and varying road systems to experience that are covered in the Highway Code and the National Driving Standards. The Datchett Borough has a population of about 17,000 and this is growing every day, so the road systems are at peak hours very busy and demanding places to drive. Learn to Drive in Datchet
When you enter the Borough from either east or west and head towards the town centre you immediately encounter a sprawling suburban mix of driving conditions from roundabouts, dual carriageways, motorways, heavily built up housing estates, pedestrian crossings, to T-Junctions and crossroads, where you meet a wide variety of road users.
Driving School in Datchet
The following suburbs and surrounding towns and suburbs such as Slough, Eton, Datchet, Windsor, Wexham, Cippenham are all populated with a variety of drivers not just in their own vehicles buy yellow valium but, tradespeople in their vans, trucks, HGV’s, buses, taxis and let’s not forget cyclists, motorbike riders and the ever present pedestrian, trying to get to work or school.
Driving Instructor in Datchet
All the above require a high level of concentration so you should be able to demonstrate the ability on how to apply a systematic approach to driving, such as Mirrors, Signal, Manoeuvre Position, Speed, Look (MSM-PSL). This is a core foundation skill that all our clients at Blue School of Motoring are taught on day one on our training courses. MSM-PSL also requires the ability to forward plan and how to balance and combine the demands of safe driving and the principles of eco responsible driving. Learn to Drive in Datchet.
Where to Find us
St Johns Drive Windsor Berkshire SL4 3RA
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Your First Driving Lesson in Datchet
Your Blue School of Motoring instructor in Datchett will pick you up from your home, school or place of work. Your driving instructor will then explain to you how your driving course is going to work. What to prepare for how to study for the theory test, there will be a lot going on in your first lesson, so a two hour session is usually the norm.
You will driven somewhere away from busy streets, so you do not have to deal with any complex traffic situations on your first lesson. Bring along or wear some sensible shoes that will make using the foot controls easier.
Don’t worry if you forget anything, your instructor will use a drivers record of progress, which keeps a track of all that you have done.
Car control can be a lot to take in at first – it’s all about physical motor reactions, which sometimes require a new range of skills, response times and hand-to-eye co-ordination skills. Even a simple procedure like moving off involves dealing with the clutch, gears, handbrake, indicators and checking the mirrors – it’s like you’re in multitasking overdrive. But don’t worry, your instructor will go over these area’s time and time again until you gradually begin to do more on your own.