
Learn to Drive in Windsor

Get some awesome deals on driving lessons in Windsor massive discounts if you book 10 hours, give us a call Now Driving lesson courses are now available with some great offers open to new students. If you are starting 6th from college or getting started back at University, there are some money saving offers now available to you. Learn to Drive in Windsor

Driving Lessons in Windsor, Berkshire

Blue School of Motoring instructors in the Windsor area have a high success rate, with most of our students for the driving school coming from recommendations.

Driving Test Tips
With more and more people learning to drive, Blue School of Motoring presents a guide of Top Tips to help you with your driving test.

The biggest driving test tip is not to book a driving test unless you feel ready! If you don’t feel confident, check with your driving instructor whether you are ready for your driving test.

Driving Instructor in Windsor

It’s natural to feel slightly nervous on the day of your driving test. Don’t let this worry you too much. Stay calm and drive as you have been driving with your driving instructor, don’t drive any differently just because an examiner is sitting next to you. Learn to Drive in Windsor

Always check your mirrors and indicate before stopping or moving off during your driving test. Look carefully over your shoulder to check your blind spots. Failure to do the latter will most certainly get you a minor fault mark, and could be potentially hazardous to other road users.

Driving Tips in Windsor

Don’t look down at the gear stick when you change gear during your driving test. You should always keep your eyes on the road, constantly scanning the far, middle and near distance.

Always indicate correctly and in good time, this helps other road to know your intentions. Driving lessons in Windsor

Do not stop at every junction during your driving test unless it is necessary. For example, if you stop at a roundabout when it’s obvious that you’re clear to go, you may pick up marks for hesitancy. However, where the road sign tells you to “Stop”, you must do so.

Cost of Driving Lessons in Windsor

Click her to find our Prices for Driving Lessons

Don’t get too close to stationary vehicles or obstructions. Always keep a look out for pedestrians stepping out onto the road.

If you have to overtake cyclists during your driving test, give them plenty of clearance (about the width of an average-sized car). Don’t follow them too closely.

Our Windsor driving school have some great offers in your local area on block booking deals, these include discounts and free giveaways.

“I passed my driving test with Blue School of Motoring only a few weeks ago, and I passed on my first attempt with only a few minor faults. I would tell anybody who wants to drive and learn with a good school, to use them.” Clare – Windsor

To book your driving lessons in Windsor simply contact us at

All our Windsor Driving Instructors follow our driving instructor code of conduct.

If you want to learn to drive then try a driving lesson with Blue in Windsor. We provide driving lessons for all people at different levels of driving ability, this includes:

Beginners, someone who has never driven a car before.

Just started, a leaner driver that maybe has had a few hours with Mum or Dad or maybe did not get on with their previous driving instructor and wants to try someone else.

Partly trained, had maybe 10 to 15 hours of driving tuition and just wants to start again after a break.

Trained, has had about 40 to 50 hours of driving tuition and maybe has failed a driving test in the past and needs a bit of help to get through the next driving test.
So no matter what your level of ability we at Blue can help you out with a driving course in the Windsor area in Berkshire.

We offer some great deals on a range of courses with qualified driving instructors who now the local Windsor area.

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