Road crashes in 2010

Posted in: News.

A total of 1,850 people died from road crashes in 2010; a fall of 17%
compared with 2009, according to the DfT’s ‘Reported Road Casualties in
Great Britain 2010’.

The report (released 29/09/11) also reveals that 208,648
casualties from road crashes were reported to the police in 2010, a 6%
reduction compared with 2009; and 22,660 people were seriously injured,
down 8% since 2009.

The number of fatalities fell for almost all types of road user: 21%
for car occupants; 19% for pedestrians; and 15% for motorcyclists.
However, pedal cycle fatalities rose by 7%

Other statistics show that in 5% of all
road casualties the driver was over the legal alcohol limit; ‘failed to
look’ was a contributory factor in 40% of crashes reported to the
police; and the economic welfare cost of reported road accidents was
estimated to be around £15bn.

Kevin Clinton, RoSPA’s head of road safety, said:
“In 2010, road deaths on Great Britain’s roads fell well below 2,000 for
the first time. This was a fantastic achievement. However, there is
still more to be done; if all the reported road accidents in 2010 had
been prevented, this would have saved almost £15billion – crucial given
the current economic climate.

“During the last three years we have had
unusually large drops in the number of deaths and serious injuries on
our roads. This very welcome result is due to the focus we have had on
road safety, but also to some external factors such as the economic
downturn, falling traffic levels and heavy snowfalls over the last two

“We need to consider how we can ensure
that the major reductions in death and injury do not stop or, even
worse, start to increase if the economy picks up and we have milder

Simon Best, IAM chief executive, said:
“The value of preventing each fatal crash on UK roads is around £1.8
million, and approximately £200,000 for each serious injury – it’s clear
that effective road safety initiatives not only save lives but also
save the nation money. The government should think about the real value
of road safety initiatives when it considers its expenditure plans.

“As more and more driver aids are
introduced we need to re-think the way we approach safe driving. Vehicle
technology requires new thinking and an even greater emphasis on the
driver as the decision-maker. The challenge now is for us all to treat
driving as a skill for life and embrace post-test training.”

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