Congratulations to Dan of Birch Hill for passing his driving test first time today in Chertsey

Posted in: Driving Lesson Ascot, Driving Lesson Bracknell, Driving Lesson Wokingham.

Congratulations to Dan Sawkins of Birch Hill for passing his driving test first time today in Chertsey with only a few minors ,Dan had a left reverse for his manoeuvre and did it perfectly,Rob the examiner said it was a good drive.
All the best from your driving instructor and all at Blue

Top tips for your Driving Test

Always check your mirrors and indicate before stopping or moving off during your driving test. Look carefully over your shoulder to check your blind spots. Failure to do the latter will most certainly get you a minor fault mark, and could be potentially hazardous to other road users.

Don’t look down at the gear stick when you change gear during your driving test. You should always keep your eyes on the road, constantly scanning the far, middle and near distance.

Always indicate correctly and in good time, this helps other road to know your intentions.

Do not stop at every junction during your driving test unless it is necessary. For example, if you stop at a roundabout when it’s obvious that you’re clear to go, you may pick up marks for hesitancy. However, where the road sign tells you to “Stop”, you must do so.

Don’t get too close to stationary vehicles or obstructions. Always keep a look out for pedestrians stepping out onto the road.

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