Epic Reasons To Drive You’ve Nevered Considered

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Epic Reasons To Drive You’ve Nevered Considered

Epic Reasons To Drive You've Nevered Considered
Epic Reasons To Drive You’ve Nevered Considered

There is not enough space in all of the Internet for us to detail why driving is the one skill you should go out and learn, the one investment where you will get what you paid for, and the only skill that will give you complete freedom of where you are. It could be that you are now sort of tired of enduring the rain as you wait at bus stops, or now get embarrassed when the almighty Dad’s taxi takes you to a party, or perhaps you want to get your first job at a bar in own but have no means of getting home after hours. There are billion-gazillion incredibly justified reasons for wanting to adorn your wallet with that pink license we can one day take for granted.

But if you still aren’t convinced it is worth saving up for and spending your pennies on, and require a little motivation, a little bit more of a nudge, then all you need to do is brew a cuppa and start taking notes. Why? Because by the time you’ve finished reading, you’ll be looking for your nearest instructor. Enjoy.


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Epic Reasons To Drive You’ve Nevered Considered2

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The Bus

We’ve briefly mentioned the horrendous experience of being at a bus stop in the rain, gale-force winds tearing through your cheap waterproof jacket, rain soaking your face and glasses, cars honking at you as you hunch your shoulders for warmth. The wait is horrendous, but it is also just one part of it. The other part is the bus itself. In short, the cool feeling you get from sitting at the back doesn’t last very long. Perhaps you are the cool kid at school, and the way the hierarchical system works means your space is always saved, and you get to perpetually feel like James Dean as you walk down the aisle. Well, we hate to break it to you, but that will last for about another 4 months and then you’ll abhor it. You’ll realise that James Dean had a car and he could drive wherever he wanted; that’s what cool is.


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Epic Reasons To Drive You’ve Nevered Considered3

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The Job

Go any decent job site and, what will happen is, you’ll search for a job you’re interested in, find a match, click on it, see that it matches your desired salary, peaks your interest, provides everything you want from an employer and that you have all the desired skills that they want in a person but, just before you can click the apply button, you suddenly read the last line of the job requirements, “Must have full driver’s license and own car”. It is the worst feeling in the world. All that hard work you put in at school to land your first job and start climbing the career ladder, or just gain some financial independence, and you fall at the very last hurdle, the one that demands you can drive. It’s horrendous and, what’s more, it’ll keep happening unless you listen here and listen well, “go and get you license”. Even if it is just doing the first stage. Apply for your theory test and get the car rolling.

The Cost

Okay, so the cost of petrol and diesel seems to be rising at astronomical rates, which, when combined with costly car tax and the ridiculous expense of getting insured for the first time, can put a serious amount of people off. It can even go as far as being unaffordable for many, even those who budget wisely. However, it is still a far cheaper option than taking the train. Even the Mafia is unsure of how train companies are able to operate legally with these prices. What’s more, you don’t have to schedule your journey around train times. It is just a matter of getting in the car and going, and if you’re still worried about costs, then why not get yourself a car that is cheap to buy, cheap to tax and immensely cheap to run, something like a Citroen C3. Then get your mates to chip in with some petrol money and off you go. Let’s say you want to drive to Edinburgh for a weekend. Either you can split the fuel cost or you could buy a train ticket for about £3000 pounds each.

The Freedom

There comes a time when we just want to leave home. It could be after school, or college, or university. It changes from person to person, but we all want to leave at some point. We crave that independence, that freedom, that self-reliance where you aren’t being spied on by your parents anymore. Well, the easiest way to achieve that first breath of independent fresh air is to get your driving license. No more waiting for your parents to get back from work so that they can take you to your mates. No more them knowing where you really are. No more having to make your own bacon sandwich on a hangover because you can just hop in a car and head to Burger King instead. No more getting your parents to drop you off at your girlfriend’s or boyfriend’s house. It is freedom from the moment you pass, and that freedom just keeps getting better.

The Parents

You know what, why not give your parents a break. Learn how to drive just so that they don’t have to spend their out of office hours ferrying you around to all the places you want to go. Let them kick back and enjoy their down time. They’ve played the role of cheap taxi for way too long now and you owe it to them to get out there and learn how to drive. So save up the pennies, or take them up on their offer to pay for you. They’re going to suffer from empty nest syndrome when you do leave, but right now they’re suffering from driver’s foot. So, yeah, get on the internet and then on the phone and book your first lesson. See how it goes. Do some ready. Grab a crash course. But use sympathy for your parents as a motivational drive.

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