Benefits of Logbook Car Servicing Nobody Knew About
Posted in: Car Insurance, Driving Tips, News.
Benefits of Logbook Car Servicing Nobody Knew About

Car servicing is an essential part of car care taking. It has already been well-established that the longevity of your car is directly determined by the regularity in car service. But there is another word that people tend to ignore while car servicing. That is a logbook service. A logbook service is often ignored by people as it costs a little more than usual servicing. But every extra penny is worth it in the case of logbook service. You may ask why. There is no one lined answer for that.
Various points for logbook service
- The first point is that it is extremely organised. This is a way you have a record of all the repair details of your car. Just like a person has a medical history file, to which the doctor refers to while you are being diagnosed, a logbook is a medical history file of your car. The complete history will be in front of your eyes ready for reference. This is beneficial when you visit the mechanic for car servicing. The mechanic can just refer to the car’s logbook and determine the places that need servicing and immediately get to work on it. Also, when you get a logbook service, the mechanic enlists all the details of the servicing. So, you can use it against the mechanic and demand a refund in case the servicing is not as efficient as mentioned in the logbook.
- It meets the manufacturer’s criteria. A logbook service is what the car’s manufacturer prescribes. A logbook service is a way of ensuring that the service is done according to the requirements of the car model. So, if you are a person who plays by the rules strictly, then logbook service is a must for you. Some car companies have mandatory logbook service in order to avail the warranty. If not, the warranty is void. Maintaining a logbook is a systematic way of car care taking.
- The third benefit is that you can choose car stations freely. In case you have a job that requires you to keep travelling around, and that makes you irregular for your car servicing as you prefer getting it from a specific garage as the mechanic if familiar with your car history, you need to switch to logbook servicing. If you maintain a car logbook and keep it updated, you can get it serviced at any garage as the mechanic just has to refer to the log book to get acquainted with the car history and then provide you a car service accordingly.

- The fourth and the most important benefit of logbook service is that you can get a higher price of your car while selling. If you have been opting for regular logbook services of your car instead of normal ones, you have a complete record to present to the new owner that clearly explains the condition of the care and shows how well the car has been cared for. Thus, you can get a higher resale price for the car. Also, in the case of insurance benefits, if your car suffers damages beyond repair in an accident, you get a benefit in insurance money. You may ask how. Well, it is pretty simple. In case the car is damaged beyond repair during an accident, the logbook of the car is used to determine the condition and price of the car before the occurrence of the accident and that is what determines the amount of compensation you would receive from the car insurance. Thus, a regularly maintained logbook can fetch you more returns.
Apart from all the above-mentioned benefits, if you have been regularly getting your car logbook serviced at the same car station, a mutual trust and familiarity is gradually built-up which may facilitate you to get discounts on spare parts and servicing on certain occasions as many service stations have a discount scheme for their regular customers.
Tags: car logbook, car servicing