Avoid These Common Injuries On The Road
Posted in: Car Insurance, Driving Tips, Fleet Driver News, Motorway Driving, News.
As you pass your test and start to drive without the assistance of an instructor, you might well feel a little nervous or worried. This is entirely natural, and it is likely to get better with time. However, you should at least remain vigilant for as long as you drive, especially when it comes to certain things. There are particular injuries which happen on the roads more often than others, and it is definitely worth looking into what those are. The more you know, after all, the more likely it is that you will be able to stop such incidents from occurring in the first place. Let’s have a look at some of the most common injuries and how to avoid them.

You don’t need to actually crash the car in order to have an injury. For example, one of the most common of all is to get a sprain somewhere in the body. Most commonly, these will be in the wrist or ankle. What usually happens is that you turn the wheel too sharply, and this causes a sprain in the wrist. On some occasions, it might be that your pedal foot becomes sprained simply from the repetitive motion. In that case, it is actually said to be a certain kind of repetitive strain injury. Either way, the best way to avoid these particular fates is simply to drive in a calm and collected manner. That way, you can be sure that your wrists and ankles will be much less likely to experience any kind of ongoing pain.
Even if you only have a minor incident, such as back-ending someone in a parked position, you might well come away with a case of whiplash. This is an incredibly painful injury which can be serious if you try to move it too quickly. You should make every effort to stay very still, as there is something of a chance of breaking your neck otherwise. Then you might find that you need to go to hospital to have lens replacement surgery, and that’s the last thing you want to happen. If you are wondering how to avoid it at all, there is evidence to suggest that not having your seatbelt done up properly is a common cause of whiplash occurring in road accidents. Of course, careful driving will also be the main way to stop it happening.
From time to time, you might well experience a minor cut or two. These can happen for a number of reasons, and more often than not they are not going to be too serious. However, they can be dangerous in a sense, because even a tiny cut can distract you from the road and cause you to drive poorly. If you allow this to happen, you might even have a crash, so make sure that you don’t let this happen at all. If you have a cut, wait until you can safely pull over and then attend to it calmly.
Tags: ankle sprain, Car accident injury, common injuries, particular injuries, RTA, Whiplash, wrist sprain