Just Passed? Now Make Your Car Last
Posted in: Car Insurance, Driving Courses, Driving Tips, Fleet Driver News, Motorway Driving, News.
For a lot of new drivers, first stepping out into the world of the open road is a daunting experience. Your driving lessons will have only taught you the very basics, without giving you the chance to explore on your own. This newfound freedom is both exciting and terrifying for most people. But, of course, there’s more to driving than operating a car around the roads, and you have to learn everything as soon as you can.
In the modern world, the art of keeping a car going for decades seems to have become a lost concept to a lot of people. Of course, though, keeping a car going is one of the best ways to save money on your driving career, as it takes away the need for replacement cars. To help you in achieving this sort of goal, this post will be exploring some of the areas you should consider the most throughout your new driving experience.

- Buy The Right Car
Thanks to the way business works, there are loads of different cars on the market for a new driver to choose from. From the ultra-expensive to the budget oriented, this market is one of the biggest in the world. Of course, though, this can make it hard to choose the right motor for you.
- When looking for a car, the first thing to consider is the manufacturer. Some brands have had years of bad press due to low quality, whereas others are heralded as the most reliable. Along with this, though, the exact model will also tell you a lot about a motor and can be the best indication you have. Using reviews will help you out loads here.
- Of course, even when comparing two cars of the same make and model, there will always be differences between the two secondhand. When you buy a car in this condition, it’s important to think about things like mileage, state of repair, and even the area it’s been driven in. You may want to take this a little further, though.
- Most people don’t know how to check a car before they buy it. So, instead of relying on yourself, it could be worth recruiting the help of a friend with some mechanical knowledge to come along with you. Most garages and dealerships will be happy for you to give the motor a once-over before you buy it. If they refuse to let you do this, it could be because there’s something to hide.
It can often be very tempting to spend as little as possible on a car when you’re first getting on the road. But, in reality, this will often set you up for a lot more spending down the line. Whether it’s constant repairs or having to buy a new motor, most people regret skimping on this area. If you need some help when you’re saving for a car, using an auto loan company could make it a lot easier for you.

- Regular Maintenance
There’s a lot of maintenance to be done when you own a car. A lot of this work is done at regular intervals, making it nice and easy to cover them as part of your routine. The first stage is the monthly work you do on your car. Some examples of the areas you should be considering are below, and this sort of action should always be taken before a long journey, too.
- With oil, your car’s engine will seize up, rendering the vehicle useless until it has been replaced. This is an expensive job, and avoiding it should be a priority. An oil check is a nice and easy job, taking a maximum of five minutes, and another five if you have to top up. Details surrounding this will be in the car’s manual.
- Of course, oil isn’t the only thing in your car which needs to be changed once in awhile. Along with this, fuel filters, brake pads, and loads of other parts of the car can wear down incredibly quickly. Learning to check these areas each month will not only make your car last longer but will also keep it safe.
- Irregular Maintenance
A lot of the work you will have to do to your car won’t be planned for, unfortunately. Particularly with old or high-mileage options, you will find yourself having to make repairs fairly often to keep a car running. Predicting this can be very hard. But, of course, instead, you can at least set out some safety nets, just in case you run into problems.
- Most people don’t have the skills, experience, or resources to diagnose and repair their automobile. Professionals do this job for a reason and having someone to help you out when you need it will be a huge boon. Use review sites and recommendations from other people to help you when you’re choosing this sort of help.
- Knowing a professional to help with your car will get you one step of the way. Along with this, though, money could make it hard for you to get repairs done nice and quickly. Insurance and breakdown cover can be incredibly helpful when you’re stuck with a broken car. So, it’s worth doing some research to see if you can get some coverage.
Having a plan is just a small part of the process when you’re dealing with irregular maintenance. It’s important to think about time, as well, though. Most people won’t have the choice but to keep using their car, even if it is almost undrivable. Over time, this will damage the car further, and repairs will become a lot more expensive. To solve this issue, you should always aim to get your car roadworthy as soon as possible after a fault.

- Refuse To Replace
Replacing a car can often feel like the best move to make when you’re life is changing. This is an expensive process, though, and it will take a lot of your time. Refusing to replace your car will help you with this. But, of course, you will have to find some ways to make this possible. Below, you can find some good examples of the methods out there.
- When a car is on its last legs, most people will think about replacing it before they consider repairs. Of course, though, even the most rundown car can often be brought back to life. A mechanic’s time and the replacement parts you need won’t be as pricey as a new car. Along with this, you could even learn some engineering skills to make repairs even cheaper.
- Moving between states or countries is also a very common reason for people to abandon their car. It doesn’t have to be this way, though, if you’re willing to do some research. Interstate car transportation service reviews can help you to find the best company for you. From there, it will just be a matter of getting everything else packed up and ready.
- In a lot of cases, the reasoning behind choosing a new car won’t be as logical as the ones above. Instead, you might want to replace your car simply because it doesn’t have the features you need. You don’t have to do this, though. Using modern car gadgets, you can install loads of new toys without having to get the help of a professional.
It can often be hard to see why you wouldn’t just get rid of the car you have. But, when you consider the environment, the reasoning becomes much clearer. The impact resulting from a car being manufactured is huge. From pollution caused at the factory to the physical damage done mining the materials for it, making a car is far from clean. To avoid this, keeping a car on the road for as long as possible is a great way to reduce your footprint.

- Research, Read, & Review
Finally, it’s time to think about the research you’re going to conduct surrounding your car. A lot of people have no idea about the car they drive, often struggling to perform simple jobs like oil and tire changes. There are loads of resources around the web to give you the skills you need to do this work, though, and it can make your driving career a lot cheaper. Using online guides, most people will be able to fix breakdowns and repair faults within a couple of months.
Finding the tools to help you with your searching will take a lot of work. There are thousands of blogs, forums, and other websites out there which all have something to offer you. Thankfully, though, there are also sites which can help you to find the best resources to use. With a couple of searches, it should be very easy to get your hands on the best blogs for the information you need. Remember, though; it’s best to look for things focused around the car you own.
Hopefully, this post will give you a good idea of what can be done when you’re working to make your car last longer. As a new driver, it’s unlikely that you have a huge amount of money in the bank, and will probably want a way to make it go further. With just a little bit of work, car maintenance could be the very best way to do this.
Tags: driving lessons, looking for a car