5 Essentials You Need For Your Caravan
Posted in: Fleet Driver News, Motorway Driving, News.

Motoring is more than just driving a car; Caravaning counts too. While there are a lot of things that you need to keep in your car at all times, you need a whole new list if you’re planning on taking your car along with you to go caravaning. You only drive your car, whereas you have to live in your caravan, so there is a lot that you need to ensure you keep in the caravan whenever you go away. Here is a list of the essentials that you must remember.
1. Caravan Step
There is a pretty large gap between the door of your caravan and the floor, so it makes sense to invest in a caravan step to make your life a little easier. As large as the drop might be for you, it is sure to seem even bigger to small children, so a caravan step is a big part of childproofing your caravan. Visit www.towsure.com/blog/buyers_guide_to_choosing_the_best_caravan_step/ to help find the best step for your caravan.
2. TV & DVD Player
Even if you go on holiday during the summer, there is still a risk that the weather isn’t going to be too great. The last thing you want is for it to rain all week, and for you to be stuck in a caravan with nothing to do. As boring as watching TV may seem, when you’re supposed to be on holiday, it is sure to a Godsend if you have absolutely nothing else to do.
3. Reversing Camera
If you’ve ever towed a caravan before, you will know that you have very little chance of being able to see what it is that’s behind you. As long as you’re careful, this shouldn’t be too much of a problem, but if you wanted to be extra safe, then it makes sense to visit a website, like www.safetydave.com.au/caravan-reversing-cameras/, and purchase yourself a reversing camera for your caravan.
4. Caravan Jack
As much as everyone hates it, there is always the chance of breaking down or getting a flat tyre, especially when travelling long distances. You should already carry a jack for your car, but unfortunately, you are going to need a separate one for your caravan too, as regular car jacks don’t usually fit your typical caravan.
5. Alarms & Security Lights
Your car has an alarm, and your home may do too, so why wouldn’t you take measures to protect your caravan, especially when you intend to live in it on holiday. Security lights are great anti-theft measures for night time, and alarms will be great for the day when you won’t be in the caravan all of the time.
Your caravan requires a lot more things than these, including somewhere to store water and food, but these are the bare essentials. Like with the essentials you carry in the boot of your car, as long as you remember these, you shouldn’t run into too much trouble on the road or your holiday.

Tags: Your Caravan