What To Think About When Purchasing Your First Car

Posted in: Driving Tips, News.

Buying a new car is always going to be exciting, but nothing beats that first time feeling. When you have passed your test if you haven’t already got a car to use, buying your first one can feel like such a grown up thing to do. However, it can also be a tricky decision to make as you have to start considering other aspects other than what colour to choose and how it looks. Which is why we thought we would share with you some of the top tips to consider when purchasing your first car.

What To Think About When Purchasing Your First Car
What To Think About When Purchasing Your First Car

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What do you need to use the car for?

One of the first things to consider is how much driving you need to be doing now you have your license. Do you need to think about getting to college or traveling to university? Maybe you now need the car for your daily commute to work and you can say goodbye to public transport? Knowing how you want to use the car can help you identify the right size of vehicle, the right engine size and, of course, the age and model of the car you decide to go for.

Think about reliable manufacturers and brands

Now that you have an idea of the type of car you may need, the fun bit comes with plenty of research into potential manufacturers. Many people buying their first car go off recommendations or articles sharing car makes that are quite common. For first cars you tend to see the likes of Ford and Vauxhall. Vauxhall tends to be a good choice for its Corsa model, and if you find yourself wanting to consider one, then a quick look online at Drive Vauxhall Dealership Locations could identify your local outlet. That being said, a quick trip into your local town means that you may find a few dealerships for different manufacturers in close proximity of one another. Allowing you to take in a few different options in one outing.

What about those insurance costs?

Insurance is a big part of the decision process with a first car as there is no hiding from the fact that your first year of insurance will be your most expensive. You have no experience or history that highlights how you are a careful and conscientious driver. Considering a car with a low insurance group could be the way forward to helping keeping the cost down.

How do you plan on purchasing your new car?

Purchasing a new or used car provides you with many different options. You could finance the car or use your savings. Speaking with the dealership representatives and getting all of your options of purchase and incentives will help you make a more informed decision.

Finally, the fun bit, choosing the colour and model of your car. You may feel like this is a real treat, and of course, a reward for all those hours spent learning to drive. Embrace the process, choose something you love and enjoy getting out on the open road.






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