A great start to Christmas for Lewis Barber of Windsor. Lewis passed his test on his first attempt in Slough this morning. The test included a forward bay park and a controlled stop and Lewis kept the fault count to just 3.
All the best from Andy Shrimpton your local Windsor Driving Instructor and all the team at Blue Driving School.
The fast track route, driving courses in Windsor and Slough are designed for people who are after the quickest and most cost effective way of learning to drive in the shortest time possible. You may have a deadline to meet, or your employer has requested you change roles within your company, maybe a promotion with company car. Whatever the reason, the intensive course can be designed to meet your requirements.
The course does provide a safe preparation for driving on today’s roads. Intensive driving courses have many advantages over the conventional method of learning to drive. The normal route is to take a one or two hour driving lesson once a week over several months, this can, to some people prove to be mundane and boring, and some learner drivers tend to drop off and give up altogether, even after several months of learning. You would need to have completed your theory test prior to commencing any intensive course.
Your instructor will use the latest up to date teaching methods and record all training sessions in writing, keeping a constant track of your ability and will discuss your progress during the course. The Drivers Record of Progress is used to record your driving lessons and it gives you the opportunity to study and discuss your own driving ability at the end of each lesson, with your Driving Instructor. Communication is the key to completing the course successfully, and you need to work as a team.
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