Dealing With Whiplash — What You Need To Know
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Dealing With Whiplash — What You Need To Know
For a long time, TV sitcoms used whiplash as shorthand for someone trying to fake an injury, but it’s no joke for the millions of people who experience whiplash each year. The violent snapping back and forth of their heads — most often the result of an auto accident — does more than leave them stunned for a moment. Whiplash can cause serious damage to the tendons and ligaments within the neck, which can have long-lasting repercussions for a person’s health and well-being if he or she does not receive proper treatment. In addition to severe neck pain and headaches, people suffering from whiplash may experience dizzy spells, irritability, difficulty sleeping and numerous other symptoms.
Although whiplash can be damaging, a full recovery typically is possible with the right treatment. Modern whiplash treatments focus on strengthening the muscles and ligaments in the neck so patients can restore their full range of motion and live pain-free. Although medications help alleviate the pain, exercise and physical therapy often are employed to help patients suffering from whiplash experience relief.
Of course, the best course of action is to take steps to prevent injuries from occurring in the first place. With the proper precautions, people can reduce the risk of whiplash, even if they experience a violent incident that may otherwise cause it. These precautions include wearing a seat belt when driving or riding in a vehicle; wearing proper safety equipment when participating in sports; and always following the proper safety procedures on roller coasters. Whiplash is no laughing matter. Knowing some of the basic facts about it, its symptoms and how to treat it can help you keep it from becoming a problem in your life. The accompanying guide contains some of the most important information available about whiplash and how to prevent it, so take a look and keep this information in mind.
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