Blue Driving School
Reading Driving Test Pass Siobhan Street

Driving test pass Siobhan Street from Reading Berkshire

Driving test pass Siobhan Street from Reading

Driving test pass Siobhan Street from Reading – Siobhan Street from Reading, Berkshire passed her driving test in Reading today  with just a few minor driving faults. All the very best from Joe Gomez your Reading based driving instructor and all the team at Blue Driving School.

Reading Driving Test Pass Siobhan Street

Driving Test Tips from Blue School of Motoring

Vehicle Maintenance, safety and security

Vehicle maintenance

Take special care that lights, brakes, steering, exhaust system, seat belts, demisters, wipers and washers are all working. Also

Warning displays. Make sure that you understand the meaning of all warning displays on the vehicle instrument panel. Do not ignore warning signs, they could indicate a dangerous fault developing. Driving test pass Siobhan Street from Reading

Window tints. You MUST NOT use a vehicle with excessively dark tinting applied to the windscreen, or to the glass in any front window to either side of the driver. Window tinting applied during manufacture complies with the Visual Light Transmittance (VLT) standards. There are no VLT limits for rear windscreens or rear passenger windows. Driving test pass Siobhan Street from Reading

Tyres. Tyres MUST be correctly inflated to the vehicle manufacturer’s specification for the load being carried. Always refer to the vehicle’s handbook or data. Tyres should also be free from certain cuts and other defects.

Cars, light vans and light trailers MUST have a tread depth of at least 1.6 mm across the central three-quarters of the breadth of the tread and around the entire circumference. Driving test pass Siobhan Street from Reading

Motorcycles, large vehicles and passenger-carrying vehicles MUST have a tread depth of at least 1 mm across three-quarters of the breadth of the tread and in a continuous band around the entire circumference. Driving test pass Siobhan Street from Reading

Mopeds should have visible tread.

Be aware that some vehicle defects can attract penalty points.

If a tyre bursts while you are driving, try to keep control of your vehicle. Grip the steering wheel firmly and allow the vehicle to roll to a stop at the side of the road.

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