The Tricks To Joining A Motorway Safely
Posted in: Car Insurance, Driving Courses, Driving Tips, News.

One of the biggest anxieties new drivers face is joining a motorway. When you learning to drive, you don’t venture onto the motorway, and if you decide to take a few additional lessons after you’ve passed your test, you can learn about motorway driving. But, lots of people choose to get straight in the car and make big journeys. Joining a motorway is one of the most intimidating aspects of driving, especially if you try it during the dreaded rush hour. But, here are a few tips to help you.
The Slip Road
This is the most common approach to a motorway. If you are on a road that turns into a motorway, you don’t need to worry about this. The first thing to do once you head on the slip road, and the signs show a difference in the speed limit, is to get to that speed limit, so you are going the same speed as the traffic on the motorway. Lots of nervous drivers make the mistake of joining a motorway at to lower speed, causing problems, not just for you, but for the traffic on the motorway. You need to give priority to the motorway traffic as you are heading down the slip road. Look in your mirror to see if there are any cars in the left-hand lane of the motorway, and if not, you can join it. It’s best to check your blind spot, so you can get a proper view of what’s going on behind you and on the motorway, so you can join safely. Causing a blind spot crash because you didn’t check it, will cause a multitude of problems for you and everybody else behind you. And it’s not going to be an injury like whiplash; it could be a lot worse. Be sure to follow the mirror, signal, manoeuvre routine and check your blind spot.
Joining The Motorway
Once you have checked the motorway traffic, and you have ensured you have a long good signal to show everybody your intention of joining the motorway, you need to merge into the traffic. Some drivers in the left-hand lane of the motorway might move into the middle or the right lane motorway to allow you room to enter, but be careful as this is not guaranteed. The motorists in the left-hand lane, if they can’t change lanes, should slow down to allow you space to enter, but this isn’t always the case, which is why it’s important to remember that they have the priority. Remember, you need to go at the same speed as them, but if you’ve got a situation where you are on the slip road trying to enter the motorway, but there’s a car right next to you, you need to judge the gap, and slow down if they aren’t doing so.
Once you’ve joined the motorway safely, you can progress with your journey properly. Remember, if you are in the left-hand lane, and there are cars coming down the slip road, you need to change lanes to allow them to enter the motorway safely. You need to slow down to allow them space to enter if you are staying in the left-hand lane. And remember, it’s not a race to take over the car trying to enter the motorway. Courtesy is what will keep everybody safe on the motorway.
Tags: joining a motorway, motorway driving, The Tricks To Joining A Motorway Safely