Lauren Hayes from Bracknell passed her driving test

Posted in: Driving Lesson Bracknell, Learner Drivers Passing Test.

Lauren Hayes from Bracknell passed her driving test

Congratulations to Lauren Hayes from Bracknell for passing her driving test at Farnborough at her very first attempt with only a couple of minor faults. Her test started with a reverse bay park in the car park before leaving then a route which included the dual carriageway and an emergency stop. Well done Lauren on a great result and enjoy driving your Mini, from your instructor Terry and all at Blue School.

Bracknell Driving Test Pass for Lauren Hayes
Bracknell Driving Test Pass for Lauren Hayes

Driving Tips for Blue School of Motoring

Use of mirrors

Properly adjusted mirrors are an invaluable asset to the driver of any vehicle. They enable you to see what is happening to your immediate rear and on either side of you to an extent without looking away from your direction of travel for more than a fraction of a second. Lauren Hayes from Bracknell passed her driving test

Apart from any that your instructor has added for their own use there are three mirrors which you need to know about. One interior mirror and two external mirrors.

The interior central mirror is perfectly flat and does not distort the image that you see at all. To adjust it you must take a hold of it at both ends using the thumb and forefinger, and adjust it so that you have a good view down the road behind you. There is usually a sticker in the rear window put there by the dealer. If you can see that in the bottom centre of your mirror it is usually a good guide.

There are two external or “wing” mirrors, one on either side of the car. The surface of these is convex so it bends slightly outwards. For the length of the vertical side nearest to the car you should be able to see a little bit of the car, and for the rest of the area of the mirror you should be able to see back down the road/footpath depending which side you are looking at. Lauren Hayes from Bracknell passed her driving test

Use of mirrors.

If you are changing direction then the mirrors should always be checked in pairs. Centre first then the wing mirror that corresponds with your direction of travel. Lauren Hayes from Bracknell passed her driving test

If you are in the general drive then all of the mirrors should be checked. The order is :- Centre, right, then left, broken up with glances through the window after each mirror. The reason for this is quite simple. If you were travelling down a country lane at say, fifty miles per hour and needed to do some mirror checks. Imagine that you are in a car and see how long it takes to check the centre then right and left mirrors without looking through the window. The time elapsed is only a couple of seconds true, but now imagine how far you have travelled without looking where you were going. Too dangerous to think about.

The centre mirror is checked to see what is happening behind us.

The right mirror is checked to see if anyone is trying to overtake us. In slow moving traffic this could just as easily be cyclists as anyone else.

The left mirror is used to check on the road position or, if we are going slowly, whether there are any cyclists on the near side.

Massive amounts of mirror checks are not necessary. You are expected to do the relevant ones for the circumstances that you are presented with on the road. If you are constantly doing mirror checks it could be said that you are not spending enough time watching the road ahead! Lauren Hayes from Bracknell passed her driving test

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