Wokingham driving Test pass for Ben Rockall

Posted in: Driving Lesson Wokingham, Recommendations from Students.

Wokingham driving Test pass for Ben Rockall

Well done to Ben Rockall from Wokingham who passed in Farnborough today, first time.
Ben was a real pleasure to prepare for safe driving.
Having already done off road with me previously two years ago, I knew Ben was keen to drive.
Well done, from Peter, your driving instructor and from all at Blue School of Motoring. Wokingham driving Test pass for Ben Rockall 

Wokingham Driving Test pass for Ben Rockall
Wokingham Driving Test pass for Ben Rockall

Driving Tips from Blue School of Motoring

Parallel Parking – Reverse Parking Wokingham driving Test pass for Ben Rockall
Reverse parking
This takes advantage of a car’s manoeuvrability when driving in reverse gear. When doing this you will be something of an obstacle, so use of the mirror-signal-manoeuvre routine is important. It is also vital to keep a look-out for passing traffic.
The examiner on the driving test will expect you to:-
• Reverse into a space of about two car lengths
• Park your car at the kerb safely, smoothly and under control.
The examiner will also be looking to see that you:-
• Take all-round observation
• Do not get too close to the parked car
• Do not mount the kerb
• Stop reasonably close to the kerb

Wokingham driving Test pass for Ben Rockall

A Drive forward and stop parallel to, and not more than one metre away from the blue car. Select reverse gear. Look to check it’s O.K. to move off. Drive back very slowly and watch for the corner of the blue car appearing in the side window.
BWhen you can see the corner of the blue car, turn the wheel to the left one full turn. Check the road ahead and the road behind over your right shoulder. If it’s safe, continue reversing until the front of the car alines with the back of the blue car. Turn the wheel fully to the right, watching you clear the blue car. The car will begin to swing in towards the kerb. Wokingham driving Test pass for Ben Rockall

C Here you will be close to the kerb and the blue car. Still move the car very slowly and take off some of the right lock so that the front of your car does not swing in too far. Check your distance from the kerb and from the blue car. Keep your car within two car lengths from the blue car.
D Here you should be close to the kerb. If you need to correct your position you are allowed to move forward and backwards to get it right. But too much will be frowned upon by the Examiner. If you are not in the middle of the road and not on the kerb you should be O.K.

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