Blue Driving School
Reading Driving Test Pass for Puloma Kundu

Reading Driving Test pass for Puloma Kundu

Reading Driving Test pass for Puloma Kundu

Puloma Kundu passed her test in Reading on Thursday this week with only a few minor faults, the conditions were very busy and there were a lot of roundabouts on the route.

All the best from Joe Gomez your driving instructor and all the team at Blue.

Reading Driving Test Pass for Puloma Kundu

Driving Tips from Blue School of Motoring

Emerging at Junctions Left

Get into the Habit of using the mirror-signal-manoeuvre( MSM) routine early when approaching junctions or any other hazards such as obstructions in the road.

The examiner on your driving test will expect you to:-
• Use the MSM routine in good time
• Brake gently and in good time
• Position your vehicle correctly – Choose the correct lane where there are lane markings and in a one-way street
• Look for obstructions, traffic and pedestrians
The examiner will also be looking to see that you: –
• Read Stop signs, Give Way signs, etc, accurately
• Assess the speed of traffic. Reading Driving Test pass for Puloma Kundu

While carrying out the junction routine you must keep a constant look-out for other road users. Doing this will help to ensure that you have all the information you need to make the correct decisions about your intended actions.
Give way to pedestrians crossing any road you are turning into. Watch out for those with their backs to you. They may not have seen or heard you and could walk into the road without looking. Reading Driving Test pass for Puloma Kundu

Take great care when turning into a main road; you will need to watch for traffic in both directions and wait for a safe gap.
Look Out
For Signs and road markings indicating priorites

As soon as you are aware that there is a junction or other hazard ahead, you must check your mirrors to see what is happening behind. Just looking is not enough. You must ask yourself the question, ‘Is it safe to carry out the manoeuvre?’ A manoeuvre is any action involving a change to your speed or position.

When you are sure that it’s safe to proceed, give the appropriate signal and in plenty of time. This gives others a chance to see them!

Check your mirrors again to ensure that it’s safe to move into the correct position for the junction.

Speed and Gear Use the footbrake to ensure that you have plenty of time to change gear before the junction. If things seem rushed, you’re going too fast. Make a final observation check all around and then complete your manoeuvre.
Final Observation – Look for obstructions, traffic and pedestrians.Reading Driving Test pass for Puloma Kundu
Keep a special look-out for cyclists or motorbikes travelling along close to the kerb.

When approaching the end of the road, watch out for other vehicles who may be cutting corners. Be prepared to hold back for them

Do not assume that a vehicle approaching on your right will turn in just because it’s left signal is on. You must be sure it is safe before you proceed. The only time you can be certain the other vehicle is going to turn left is when you see it start to do so. How many times have you seen an indicator not cancelled or a driver change their mind? Reading Driving Test pass for Puloma Kundu

Don’t just pay attention to the traffic on your right, a vehicle approaching from your left may be overtaking something and be temporarily on the right hand side of the road, so be sure to check BOTH ways before proceeding. When the way is clear move away smartly and do not cause an obstruction. Check mirror again.

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