Buyer’s Guide To Your First Vehicle

Posted in: Driving Tips, News.

If you know next to nothing about cars or bikes, then strolling on to a forecourt for the first time to buy a vehicle can be more than a little bit daunting.

At the very least you don’t want get to get taken for a ride (pun intended), but far more importantly you don’t want to drive away with unreliable brakes or steering.

If all you really notice is the colour then you need this guide to help you make a smart choice when it comes to buying your first vehicle.

Get your basics down

If this is something you’ve been saving for over months or even years then you want to drive away with something that ticks a lot boxes for you. Alright, you might not get absolutely everything you want but if you can come close then that might just do.

You might not feel that electric seat adjustments or heated grips are necessary but the parking pilot and inbuilt navigation system is an absolute must.

Consider what you’ll be using your vehicle for. If it’s going relatively short distances then having loads of room might not be an issue but if you’re commuting daily, you want to feel that you’re able to move around a little and have some space to manoeuvre.

If you end up talking to salesperson at a dealership be sure to let them know your exact requirements but also that you’d be willing to compromise a little. Do not be afraid to push back hard if they get too pushy or you think they’re trying the hard sell on you. There will be other cars and bikes in other showrooms so walk away if it gets too much.

Buyer's Guide To Your First Vehicle
Buyer’s Guide To Your First Vehicle

Image courtesy of Pexels

Keep an eye out

There always seems to be a deal somewhere so don’t rush into buying the first vehicle you see, shop around for a great deal. Spend some time reading expert websites and keeping track of dealerships that might be offering 0% finance or free insurance with their vehicles. You might also consider special car or motorbike loans.

Strike when the time is right and you might find yourself driving off the court with a real bargain.

Bear in mind the other costs that are associated with buying a vehicle, such as insurance. Get on a price comparison site to see if you can find insurance that will cover you but doesn’t leave you unable to afford the running costs of your vehicle. There are specialist sites for new and younger drivers as well those who reward older drivers with many years of no claims bonuses under their belts.

With a whole lot of confidence and just a little bit research you can and you will find yourself with a vehicle that ticks all your boxes. Keep an open mind on makes and model, get someone to come with you who has a good knowledge of cars or bikes when you go looking but never be afraid to start negotiations early and firmly reject any extras you don’t want. Drive away with a big smile and a great machine.




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