Is Your Car On Its Last Legs?

Posted in: Driving Tips, News.

This is the worst feeling when you know your car is about to give up on you, but it’s most likely happening to so many of you reading this. You’ll be clinging on to the car that you’ve known and loved for so long now, or perhaps so little if you got a dodgy second hand deal. A mixture of emotions is going to come your way, but the biggest fear that people have, is the financials of it all.

You don’t really prepare for your car fully giving up on you, so it’s not like you have grands in the bank to go and buy a new one. So this is how many people fall into the trap of a finance car. They’re just so convenient and easy to sort. But it’s only a trap if you fall into the wrong dealership. Finance deals can actually be pretty good, which is what we’re going to explore later on. But if you car is on its last legs, we’ve got another solution or two that we think might help you as well. So keep on reading, and get your car sorted as quickly as possible!

Is Your Car On Its Last Legs
Is Your Car On Its Last Legs

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How Much To Get It Fixed?

So, when a car starts going really downhill, it’s easy enough to start stressing and panicking, leading to rash decisions that are made without even thinking about the better option. So, the one thing people jump into, is a finance deal without even comparing whether it would be cheaper to get it fixed. You could easily hire a car whilst you put it in the garage to be repaired, all you’d need to pass is a licence check, and a new car would be yours for the time being. Now this along with the repair, probably won’t even come close to touching the money you’d need to put a deposit and first payments onto a finance car. So you have to think about whether you want something brand new, or whether you’d prefer to save the car you know and love!

Does That Compare To A Finance Deal?

So, we’ve said that it most likely won’t even come close to the money you’d spend on a finance deal, but that all depends on where you go to, and what car you’re thinking about getting. If you’ve got a brand new Audi on your mind, obviously you’re not going to be able to bag that for cheap. But there are plenty of budget, yet nice cars, that you might not have to pay much upfront towards. Fiesta, Clios, and those types of cars are super good on a finance deal. Believe it or not, it’s often better to go to a manufacturer dealership as well, rather than going to a random garage who has an offer on!

Your Own Little Project

Finally, you could turn this into your own little renovation project. There might not actually be that much wrong with the car, and simple Youtube tutorials could teach you how to fix some things. If you have a keen interest in cars, then this could be the perfect time for you to put it to good use!


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