How Can You Stay Safe On the Roads After Passing Your Test?
Posted in: Driving Test Tips, Driving Tips.
There are few moments of youth better than when you finally pass your driving test. It is a relief. Now, you no longer necessarily need to depend on friends and family to get you from A to B. You’ll be able to look after yourself; the roads will be open to you. But of course, while this is an exciting time, it’s not an adventure — there are simply too many risks attached for it to be all fun. You need to ensure that you’re staying safe. Below, we take a look at a few essential tips that’ll ensure you’re well looked after when you’re behind the wheel.

Avoid Overconfidence
You may have a wave of confidence when you first pass your test. You’ll have proven that you belong out there, with all the other drivers. However, while it’s important that you feel comfortable and confident behind the wheel, it’s imperative that you avoid overconfidence. There’s a fine line between feeling in control, and feeling that you can do no wrong on the roads. Always keep in mind that it’s a privilege to be on the roads — don’t take the fact that you have a license as an endorsement that you can do what you want.
Get the Right Vehicle
You’ve got all the skills you need to stay safe on the roads. But you also need to have the right vehicle. Sometimes, you’re only as good as the tools you’re using! Just ask anybody who works in a trade. So you’ll want to ensure that you’re driving around in a safe, high-quality car that’s properly serviced and fit to be on the roads. Take a look at Jays Motor Company if you’re going to be buying your own car, or get insured on your parents’ vehicle, if it’s appropriate. It’s easy to get into trouble on the roads if you’re driving a vehicle that’s past its best, especially if you’re a new driver.
Starting Small
You might have grand plans of going on long road trips now that you’ve got your license, but it’s important that you avoid diving into a long journey before you’re ready. The rest of the country and beyond is open to you, but it’s not going anywhere — wait until you feel secure on the roads before trying any ambitious journeys. You’ll want to get used to driving around your town, then your surrounding area, and then going further afield.
Remember What You’ve Learned
You’ll have learned everything you need to stay safe on the roads during your lessons. Those skills can’t be forgotten just because you no longer need to prove to the examiner that you know how to do them. Whenever you’re buckling up and driving around, make sure you’re keeping in mind those essential safety rules — they’ll help to keep yourself and everyone else on the road safe.
Safety isn’t just about keeping you and others out of harm’s way: it’s about being a responsible driver. Make sure you’re practising the right safety tips!
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