Top tips for finding your perfect student car
Posted in: Car Insurance, Driving Tips.
It is the time of year that the next generation of university applicants will be taking the plunge and heading off on their new academic venture. The past year would have been a world wind of studying, undergoing exams, visiting universities to decide where you wish to complete your degree and awaiting results to determine if you are entitled to study at your preferred university.
For many, a big milestone around this time will be learning to drive and purchasing your first car. This is also an important element of the next few years of university living; how far away you are moving from home, transport available in the new location, costs to purchase the car as well as affordability of running a vehicle.

Cost to run
The independence of moving to university can be a learning curve for many, having to look after yourself for the first time and also learn how to survive on, in most cases, a low budget. With the initial purchase of a car already making a dent in savings it is important to realistically look at the value of a car compared to the other expenses such as food, stationery supplies and social aspects of university. Do you have contingency money aside? For the luxury of a car, in regards to the model you can afford, are you able to pay for any repairs?
Plenty of quotes
Depending on your age and how recently passed your test, you will be susceptible to paying a higher premium to be insured to drive a car. No matter what avenue you have taken to find a car, whether private sale, in a showroom or locating online there are now many instant avenues available online to retrieve an instant insurance quote on individual car models allowing you to make an informed decision in this area on cost.
Comparing sites such as moneysupermarket.com and comparethemarket.com will search multiple insurers in order to list you the best deals by your selected preferences. You will find the best deal in this manner and the more quotes you receive will help you find the most affordable and value for money. Remember to go through all the packages each insurer offers in terms of cover and work out how beneficial they are to you individually as they might come at a higher monthly premium covering you in the event of an accident and you don’t have any available budget for repairs.
Model of car
When choosing your model of car it is important to take many factors into consideration such as the size of the car. Engine size can determine how economic the car will be on fuel for long journeys. Also choosing between a diesel or petrol model will depend on your level of usage as for longer journeys a diesel engine might prove more sustainable and petrol for shorter travel. When searching for a car, it is worth dedicating time looking for a preowned model which will still have investment potential in holding its value.
Your new local area
The convenience of a car can be a huge benefit to achieving independence but realistically depending on the area you will be moving to it is important to weigh up how much you will use a car. If you are moving to a big city, it might be quicker and cheaper with student discounts to travel by public transport. Depending on your accommodation, you will need to know if you have a secure area to park your car, not only for ease but also to aid in your insurance price. As the car needs to be insured at all times it is your responsibility to make sure the address is stated correctly at each period on the insurance documents.
About the Author
Darren Miller is the Marketing Director of Big Motoring World in Kent, the UK’s leading independent pre-owned prestige car supermarket discusses his top tips to consider when finding your perfect student car.
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