Sure Signs That It’s Time For A New Car

Posted in: Driving Tips, News.

Sure Signs That It's Time For A New Car
Sure Signs That It’s Time For A New Car


Your car often feels like your baby. When you first buy a car and drive it for the first time it is an amazing feeling, and having your own mode of transport is a feeling like no other. However, over time your car will age and become less safe on the road, and eventually, the time will come to sell and buy a new one.

If you aren’t sure whether it is time for you to buy a new car from a dealer such as Bob Davies Car Sales this year, we want to share the signs to look out for and what they mean.

You see the engine light

If you are familiar with the check engine light in your car, you will know that the light shouldn’t stay on once the car has started unless there is something wrong. If the light is always on and has been for a while this means that there is an issue with the car that needs to be addressed.

The temperature won’t regulate

Ever in your car and you feel like you’ve just fallen into an arctic storm? Or maybe you often feel like you are lying on a beach close to a live volcano… either way, this is not a good sign. Your car should be able to regulate temperature, but if it doesn’t this means there is an issue with the heating system of the car. If you haven’t been to get this checked, maybe its time to scrap the car and get a new one.

You use duct tape

Did you ever notice as a kid that there was that one teacher whos car was covered in duct tape? Well, if you have turned into this same person and your car is covered in duct tape, you might want to think of cutting your losses. The cost to repair falling bits of your car is likely, not worth it, so go and look for a new one instead.

Repairs cost more than the car

If you bought the car for £1000 when you were 18, and now every MOT and service costs you £2000, is this worth it? As an investment, paying double to repair a car that is super cheap doesn’t make sense. Instead, get yourself a new car with that £2000 that won’t fall apart every 2 minutes! It will be much easier to maintain and it will be nice and reliable too.

You fill it up once a week

Fuel costs a lot of money, and a lot of older cars guzzle up fuel like no other. If you have to fill up your car with fuel every week, it might be time to consider a new option. There are so many cars these days that are more eco-friendly and will use a lot less fuel per mile. Allow yourself to experience a life where you don’t know all of the fuel station staff by their first name and you can go more than a few trips without losing your fuel.


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