Five Things You Should Check BEFORE Your MOT

Posted in: Driving Tips.

Your car is getting you from A to B with minimal interruption to life. The one thing that you need the most is a clear MOT, and the only way to get one of those is for your car to be in the best condition possible. Ideally, you’ve been looking after your vehicle from the moment you bought it once you passed your test. Some people, however, can’t look after their cars because they don’t know what they’re looking for when looking for the condition of their vehicle.

A car needs to be in excellent condition if you want it to pass the inspection, which includes everything from the tire to the exhaust. Ensuring that you have the best tyres from Trostre Tyres wouldn’t hurt, and neither would a good detailing before your MOT. The mechanic will look at your car in detail and decide whether it’s road-worthy, and below, we’ve got five things that you should look into checking before your MOT happens. This way, you can fix any fixes at a better price than the mechanic will offer you. Let’s take a look:

Five Things You Should Check BEFORE Your MOT
Five Things You Should Check BEFORE Your MOT

Image Source: Pexels

  1. The Basics. You are a driver, so it’s responsible for you to know how to look after your car. You need to think about the small basics, such as the brake lights and the indicators, the tire pressure, and the wipers. You should ensure that you check them off your list of things to fix before your MOT and you head to a professional to look at it. Get to know how to replace the oil in your car and know how to remove and replace your wipers if they’re not effective anymore.
  2. Fill Your Fluids. Cars have more than one type of fluid. It will help you to have a good tank of petrol, but you would also fail if you don’t make sure that your screenwash tank is full. A good garage can top you up and charge you for the fluid, but if you check it and fill it before your MOT, you can avoid huge fees. You could actually fail your MOT if you don’t have a full tank of screen wash, so don’t be lax on that.
  3. The Right Plates. Have you got personalised registration plates? You need to make sure that yours are clean and tidy for inspection. If your number plate is not clear, you could fail the inspection, and that’s something you want to avoid entirely. Clean the plates properly, and you can avoid being told that your car fails the MOT – especially if it’s in perfect condition elsewhere!
  4. Replace The Brake Pads. You will be able to replace the brake pads yourself if you are knowledgeable about cars, or pay a mechanic to do it for you. The worst thing to do is to hear the shriek of the broken and worn down brake pads and ignore it. You need to be able to pass your MOT with flying colours, and you can’t do that if your brake pads are damaged and not replaced properly.
  5. Schedule Your Service. If you want to guarantee a pass at your next MOT, then you should ensure that you schedule regular maintenance. It’s in your best interests and the best interests of everyone else to have a working car in the best possible condition. Taking the time to make sure that you are keeping an eye on the maintenance of your vehicle will make a massive difference to your test. Take your car to the garage with confidence, and you’ll pass your MOT Properly every single year.

Don’t forget to book your MOT!



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