How Has Car Technology Accelerated Over The Years?

Posted in: Driving Tips, News.

For over 130 years, cars have played a massive role in everyday life, and that’s not just as a mode of transport. Our cars have shaped the ways in which we view the world today–from the way our cities and towns are laid out, to how we shop and go to work.

If you’re on the market for a new car in this day and age, you’ll be forgiven for thinking that any car that doesn’t come with electric windows and power steering is practically an antique.

However, these technological additions to our cars haven’t always been as standard.

Along with technology we use at home, at work, and as we shop, car technology has changed a lot over the years. Benz’s first petrol-powered car was created in the year 1885. This first motorcar was made with three wheels and a single-cylinder four-stroke engine. These days, a typical petrol-fuelled car has either three, four, or six cylinders.

In the last ten years alone, we have seen the addition of driver-assist, and there are plans to have fully autonomous cars rolled out within the next year. This advancement shows us that technology will never stop changing the car industry.

What other changes have we seen in cars over the past 134 years?  The below graphic will take a look at car developments through the ages and how the increasing speed of technology has changed the car industry on the whole. As technology continues to advance, so will the cars people drive.

What will the future hold for our vehicles?

Infographic Design By JamJar


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