6 Ways To Increase Or Manage The Value Of Your Car
Posted in: Car Insurance, Driving Tips, Fleet Driver News, News.
Are you interested in increasing the value of the car or at least managing the level of depreciation? If so, then there are a few steps that you can take to ensure that your car sells for the right price in the future. Here are some of the best possibilities.
New Wheels
First, you should make sure that you are investing in new wheels for your car. People often underestimate how significant the wheels are when it comes to the value of your car. Businesses like National Tire & Wheel provide the best quality rims and tires which means that you can guarantee that your car looks good and also provides practical benefits. For instance, if you invest in new tires, then you can make sure that your car is far more eco-friendly on the road. As well as this, the rims will improve the overall aesthetic of your vehicle and may even make your car more attractive and sellable to a future buyer.
You also need to make sure that you are maintaining your vehicle regularly. Ideally, you should make sure that you are maintaining your car every six months or even every 12 months depending on the extent of the maintenance plan. You also need to make sure that you are checking the reviews of any company that you are using. This could include anything from a complete maintenance plan for the engine to the basics that will basically just ensure that the car is up to the right standards for the roads.
Be aware that there are also elements of a maintenance plan that you can complete yourself which means that you can save money.

New Paint Job
Over time, your existing paint job can fade or your car can experience the impact of rust. If you want to fix this before you sell your car then that would get you more money. A new paint job, perhaps to give your car an uncommon color can add a small fortune to the asking price. Make sure that you don’t pay more than you will get for it, as this defeats the object of making a profit. Make sure you only use reputable people to carry out jobs on your car as you don’t want them to ruin it.
Manage Your Mileage
You may already know that a car depreciates in value the longer you have it. However, did you also know that a car loses value with the more miles that you do. If you have a car that has just 4000 miles compared to one that has 100,000 on it, the one with less miles will be more sought after. If you are intending to sell your car once you are done with it, then you need to keep the miles as low as possible. If you have two cars then this will work out better as you will be saving on the mileage. Don’t make unnecessary journeys either, as tempting as it can be.
Tech Additions
You might be wondering how you can improve the value of your car through tech additions. The answer is, there are plenty of ways to hike up the asking price when you come to sell. You could change your infotainment system to a touch screen. Many cars have these as standard now but if you have an older car then the good news is you can change yours. You might also want to install a solid, up to date GPS system. Many second hand car buyers will appreciate this one as it can be tricky keeping a separate one up to date and on your person at all times.
Comfort Improvements
Lastly, you could take the seats out of your car and replace these with new ones. For example, you might really want bucket seats in your car. Bucket seats offer an amazing amount of comfort so they make a great addition for long journeys. You might absolutely love working on your car during your free time, however, if you don’t know how to install new seats then take a trip to your local car expert. If you struggle with back problems then you can get seats that offer more lumbar support. Alternatively, you can attach a cushion onto the seat of your car.

We hope this helps you understand some of the key steps that you can take to increase the value of your car. Remember, this is only one piece of the puzzle. When it’s time to sell the vehicle, you also need to make sure that you are finding the right dealership.
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