Driving Instructor Jobs in Slough
Driving Instructor Jobs in Slough
Franchise Partner Positions in Slough
Driving Instructor Jobs in Slough There are plenty of franchise positions out there but we offer a Very competitive package.

Why work for a low hourly rate, when you can make much more than that, at Blue. Driving Instructor Jobs in Slough
We are looking for qualified instructors (Approved Driving Instructor) to join Blue School of Motoring ASAP.
If you are teaching in either Manual or Automatic cars we are looking for both types of driving instructors in the Driving Instructor Jobs in Slough
Slough Driving Instructor Jobs in your area
Driving Instructor Jobs in Slough Special Intro Offer First Few Months Franchise FREE
All the students you need
- Earn a good rate of pay, not cheap lessons rates
- Friendly and Helpful team members at Blue
- Work the Hours you want
- Full CPD courses for Free
- For Qualified Instructors, ADI’s only
Packages Start from as little as £45
Free marketing in your local Slough area, to attract the best customers for you. Free Roof Box, Business Cards, Training Material and online diary
- No, long term fixed contracts
- No set up fees.
- Full support on building your business.
- Agreed Geographical area’s to work, that are close to home
- No hidden costs
- A mutually beneficial agreement, that is negotiated between both parties
Great business support and training in class or on road Driving Instructor Jobs in Slough
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