Standards Test for Driving Instructors
Standards Test Driving Instructors
All our Driving Instructor Trainers are experienced ADI’s with years of training.
Standards Test Driving Instructors If you have had problems with your recent standards test or have one coming up, we can help you prepare for your test.

If you just want some friendly advice from another pair of eyes, to give you that extra bit of confidence then it is only an email or phone call away.
Standards Test for Driving Instructors A Driving and Vehicle Standards Agency examiner will watch you give a normal one hour driving lesson to your pupil. You should be able to provide this lesson using Coaching and CCL teaching skills, if you do not have these, we can provide the training you need. Standards Test Driving Instructors
The examiner will look for evidence that you meet the National standards for driver and rider training.
What you’ll be marked on
You’ll be marked on 17 areas of competence that are grouped into 3 categories:
- lesson planning
- risk management
- teaching and learning skills
The 17 areas of competence are listed in the ADI standards check form, which the examiner will fill in during your check. Standards Test for Driving Instructors
You’ll get a score from 0 to 3 for each of the 17 competencies, which are added up to work out your grade.
Before you take you Standards Test at least take some training from one of our friendly ADI’s who have passed the Standards Test.
After you give the lesson, the examiner will discuss your performance and give you your grade. This will take about 15 minutes. Standards Test Driving Instructors
Standards Test for Driving Instructors
You can take your trainer or mentor with you, but they can’t take part in the lesson.
Standards Test for ADI’s
The DVSA examiner will assess whether your instruction helps a person to learn in an effective way, you can best show this by giving a normal lesson to a real pupil. But you should be delivering this lesson using coaching as well as CCL teaching skills. At Blue we can provide the training you need for the standards test.
Completing the assessment
The assessment is made against 3 broad or ‘high’ areas of competence:
• lesson planning
• risk management
• teaching and learning strategies
The three high areas of competence are broken down further into 17 lower level competences and a mark will be given for each of these lower level competences. These marks will be totalled to give an overall mark and they will also provide a profile of the areas where the ADI is strong and where they need to do some more development work.
Marks will be given as follows:
• no evidence of competence = 0
• a few elements of competence demonstrated = 1
• competence demonstrated in most elements = 2
• competence demonstrated in all elements = 3
The key thing to understand is that the lower level competences, on the form, can themselves be broken down into elements. The ADI will have to use a range of skills to ensure each of these elements is in place.
For example, the first lower level competence, in the lesson planning section, is:
‘Did the ADI identify the pupil’s learning goals and needs?’
To fully satisfy this requirement the ADI must:
• actively recognise the need to understand the pupil’s experience and background
• ask suitable questions
• encourage the pupil to talk about their goals, concerns etc. and actively listen to what the pupil has to say
• understand the significance of what they say
• recognise other indications, e.g. body language, that the pupil is trying to express something but perhaps cannot find the right words
Competence standards examples
An ADI who makes no attempt to understand their pupil’s needs would be demonstrating no evidence of competence and be marked 0.
An ADI who makes an attempt, asks a few questions, but doesn’t really listen and then goes ahead and does what they intended to do regardless, would be demonstrating a few elements of competence and would be marked 1.
An ADI who grasps the importance of understanding the pupil’s needs and makes a real effort to do so, but who finds it difficult to frame suitable questions, would be demonstrating competence in most elements and would be marked 2.
Competence development
Another way to look at this is from a developmental point of view. If the examiner gives the ADI a score of 3 – the examiner is effectively saying that this is an area where the ADI does not need to do any further work, apart from continuously reflecting on their performance.
If they give a score of 2 – they are saying that the ADI’s performance is acceptable but there are clear areas where they could improve.
If they give a score of 1 – they are saying the ADI’s performance is not acceptable and the ADI needs to do a lot more work, even though they give evidence of knowing what they are supposed to be doing
Consistent marking
It is important that any assessment demonstrates consistency across each area of competence.
The following is an example of inconsistent marking:
• did the trainer identify the pupil’s learning goals and needs? = 0
• was the agreed lesson structure tailored to the pupil’s experience and ability? = 2 or 3
This is inconsistent because if there has been no meaningful attempt to identify the pupil’s learning goals, it is not possible for a lesson structure to be either agreed or appropriate.
An ADI may have knowledge of a pupil’s learning goals from earlier lessons. If this becomes clear during the lesson then, logically, it would also be wrong to give a 0 against the first competence. The maximum mark an ADI can gain is 51 and the score achieved will dictate the final grade. (see grading scale in Section 6 sample reporting form and guidance). Whatever their overall marks an ADI will automatically fail if they:
• achieve a score of 7 or less on the Risk Management section
• at any point in the lesson, behave in a way which puts you, the pupil or any third party in immediate danger, so that you have to stop the lesson.